Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Beach!!

As I get out of the car I see my cousins, finally we are here at the bach not far from the sea! I look around then the beach smell drifts up my nose, I think about the cold swishing water. Mum starts to unpack the car and she said ‘’ you can go for a bike ride once you help me unpack the car’’ I chuck everything out then I jump on my bike and head for the sea. As I see the sea I know that there's some amazing shells out there. The smell of the rotting seaweed slips up my nose and the crashing of the waves are ringing in my ears. I think of swimming in water. I run down to the soft sticky sand and hunt around for amazing shells whoosh a gust of wind picks up the sand and blows sand straight into my face. Well that was the end of that so pedal as fast as I can back to the bach. As I get nearer I hear the laughter of mum and my aunty and I hear codie our dog bark, she loves it when we take her for walks along the beach so I decided to take her to the beach and back. I think about going check out the airfield. I go and see the airfield. As I get there a plane swoops over my head, time to head home. Thats a time I will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. I like your descriptions Ryleigh. I can see you used DRAFT and deleted some of the words you used too many times.
