Friday, April 15, 2016

My first term of 2016

This term, I have learnt how to write simple sentences in literary.
The thing I am most proud of this term is being involved in otago problem solving because I did not think I was very good at maths.
Next term I am most looking forward to literary because it’s going to be different.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Being Jim the soldier at war

No man's land stretching out in front of me.
Uncomfortable stretchers mounding up.
A rusty gun drenching me with sweat.
My heart bashing around in my chest.
The countdown booming through the air .
Soldiers praying that they were not here.
Fear developing in my throat .
 Juiceless food wedged between my teeth.
I wonder if a will make it out alive?

I wonder how long it will take to finish this horrific war?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Remembering summer

On a cold, Autumn days….
My feet remember marching on sharp cutting shells.
My legs remember kicking through forceful water.
My body remembers slamming on the water from dad launching me in the air.
My arms remember the weight of my soaked towel.
My hands remember forcing lollies in my mouth.
My face remembers being sticky from thick sunscreen.
My eyes remember the long beach stretching out in front of me.
My mind remembers that it will be terrific time next time.