Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My summer

My Summer

Have you ever seen summer, it’s always the best time in my life, that blazing hot sun, all swimming and eating ice creams.
But the best part is camping, sitting on the hot sand all day long, having water fights and getting soaked.
Going to birthday parties are always fun, all the yummy food and the screaming kids.

Have you smelt summer, all the summer flowers getting dryed up and dying, but the bees are doing there best to make honey.
All the christmas food waiting on the tables and the presents waiting under the christmas trees.

Have you heard summer, the singing of the cicadas and the cricket’s chirping, the buzz of the
flie’s flying past.
The whoooooooosh of the breeze at the beach blowing my hat off.
I just love the sizzle of the sausages and steak on the bbq.

Boo summer’s nearly over I just can’t wait until next year.


1 comment:

  1. I love your summer writing it is really discriptive and I agree with you.
