Monday, November 7, 2016

The one and only Pop!

The one and only Pop!
Grey hair standing up to the breeze as he cleans the windows. Medium height with arms still full of muscle. Warm big grin showing the cracks in his lips with a big loving heart. Kind blue eyes alway trying to make time for us. Reading glasses sitting upon his pale skin and his age, does not show.

A soft, kind voice that's only used when needed. Eyes always deep in a book reading hour after hour . Watching animals is what my Pop does best. My Pop has lots of time and he spends most of that time sleeping, reading, doing his job as a window cleaner and playing tennis.

Whenever Pop comes to our house I find him up early watching the horses scavenge around for food. Dirty windows always become clean when Pop comes. My birthday is when Pop spoils me the most, always slipping me $50 from his wallet.

I love Pop for who he is and he loves me and I would never change my Pop one bit.

By Ryleigh

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My hard life at the olympics

Jonelle repeats’’ we’re not going to get hurt’’.
The crowds roar as I leap the jump which encourages me to be as good as I can.
My hooves thunder along the track like I’m a giant running.
The neigh of my friend saying how hard it is.

Jonelle squeezing me over the jump.
The girth as tight as a snake wrapping around my belly.
My leg gather for the jump.
My toes brush agents the log then I realized that I still have the gooey cream slathered on my legs.
The jump bound towards me.
The tracks of some horses that have gone before me are dented in the ground.
The fake birds sitting pleasantly on the side of the log.
The murky water freaking me out.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My multi media horse

I choose to do a horse because horses are my favourite animal because I love riding them and being around them.
The elements of art I have used is colour by having a black and white background and a orange horse head and a green neck.
I also used line by having line in the background and the mane and the mouth.
I also used space by having my mane spaced out carefully.
I am proud of my art even though I was challenged by designing my art making it mixed media.

Thursday, August 4, 2016


I do not like cabbage,
Having it in a salad is the worst.
The crunchiness, the flavourless,
Makes my taste buds burst.  

Even though it’s good for you,
I hate the terrible stuff.
Mum puts it in the stirfries,
Which I think is really rough.

Raw or cooked I hate it both,
I’ll always find it gross.
When Mum dishes it up,
I avoid the plate with the most.

So please mum never serve cabbage again,
I hate it with all my heart.
Just the thought of eating it,
Makes me fall apart.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Recipe for a holiday disaster

4 cups of flying horse hooves
1 unfitting cover
1 horse
1 cup of a blood nose
½  a cup of a horse halter
½ a cup of a paddock
3 cups of a bucking horse
1 small blonde human

Step 1. Mix together your horse and horse hooves until solid.
Step 2. Tip your solid horse in the paddock.
Step 3. Get your unfitting cover and lay it out ready to put on your horse.
Step 4. Have the human holding the halter out in front of them.
Step 5. Put the unfitting cover on top of the solid horse.
Step 6.  Leave the paddock for 3 to 4 hours.
Step 7. Return with a halter in front of you to prepare for your afternoon ride.
Step 8. Get the horse to turn around and kick out with the back legs.

Your result should be blood pouring out of your nose and your pony roaring around the paddock with an unfitting cover on.      

Friday, June 3, 2016

Times I feel excited.

I feel the saddle as comfortable as a pillow underneath me.
I feel cracker’s seek coat shine from the endless brushing.
I feel my nerves rise and flutter in my tummy.
I feel the beat of the wind crashing into my face.
I feel my secure jodhpurs wrapping around my legs.
I feel the greasy reins sliding through my hands.

I see little valley farm surrounding  me.
I see the cross country stretching evenly  over the four paddocks.
I see the huge indoor arena lying restfully.
I see charlotte cantering around me comfortably.
I see mum and dad's eyes darting around watching me.
I see the green grass growing on the rolling hills.

I hear the clipping and clamping of the horse hooves beat neth me.
I hear the other rider chatting to their ponies.
I hear the sound of trucks arriving and unloading ready to ride.
I hear the horses neigh constantly.
I hear the jumps get knocked as the ponies charge over them.  
I hear my heart beating crazily like it’s going to jump out.

Times I felt extremely excited.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Paralysed kitten gets lego wheelchair news review.

While reading the news, I came across this article about a paralysed kitten. The kitten was brought into a New York vet clinic in a recycled macaroni and cheese box. The staff named him ‘Mac N Cheese’, or Mac for short. To help him get around They made him a lego wheelchair.

I found this article interesting because I never through a kitten could live from that. I wonder if the kitten will actually fully recover from this. I hope that the help of these vets can do it. The vets wanted to give him a chance by making a lego wheelchair out of old lego pieces.

I’m surprised that they actually wanted to give the kitten a better life and did not put him out of miserly. But the kitten looks lots healthier and happier. The kitten could not move it’s back legs but he could still feel them.

I wonder if the kitten will be happy when he gets adopted or would rather stay at the vet, I wonder if there are more kitten or cats like that.

I wish I understood how the kitten was able to play on a tablet which is weird.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Mind Map

In Miss Simmons and Mr Marks literacy class, we have been learning how to use a mind map that is petty much your brain on paper. We use a mind map to dump our ideas and organise them into paragraphs. It is easier to use a mind map because you can have unlimited ideas. A mind map is a type of plan you can use. You can use a mind map for all different type of writing and I recommend use a mind map.

Friday, April 15, 2016

My first term of 2016

This term, I have learnt how to write simple sentences in literary.
The thing I am most proud of this term is being involved in otago problem solving because I did not think I was very good at maths.
Next term I am most looking forward to literary because it’s going to be different.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Being Jim the soldier at war

No man's land stretching out in front of me.
Uncomfortable stretchers mounding up.
A rusty gun drenching me with sweat.
My heart bashing around in my chest.
The countdown booming through the air .
Soldiers praying that they were not here.
Fear developing in my throat .
 Juiceless food wedged between my teeth.
I wonder if a will make it out alive?

I wonder how long it will take to finish this horrific war?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Remembering summer

On a cold, Autumn days….
My feet remember marching on sharp cutting shells.
My legs remember kicking through forceful water.
My body remembers slamming on the water from dad launching me in the air.
My arms remember the weight of my soaked towel.
My hands remember forcing lollies in my mouth.
My face remembers being sticky from thick sunscreen.
My eyes remember the long beach stretching out in front of me.
My mind remembers that it will be terrific time next time.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I am from

I am from
A long shortcut road with cars buzzing down it.
Square paddock with wild weeds.
Different floorboards, open sheds.
Tall hedges, big gardens.
Flowers, veggies, herbs and fruit.
Big bedrooms and lots of horses.

I am from
Flower scent drifting in the air.
Silage for cows from the dairy farm next door.
Fresh air from open windows and doors.
Grass clippings from mowed lawns.
Banana cakes always baked.
Cookies , muffins, cakes and biscuits.

I am from
Camping in the summer,
family catch ups, visiting friends and special treats.
Always riding horses and ponies,
playing with sister and talking about horses and ponies.
Getting presents on my sisters birthday.

I am from
Pocket money and earning things.
Feeding the horses, dog, cat and guinea pigs.
‘Tidy your bedroom’ and ‘Clean the stables’.

I am from
Roger and Jackie and a sister named Jordyn.
Spending lots of time with horses and ponies.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

My moment time

I saw inky black surrounding me like the night .
I saw the big line waiting for me.  
I feel the endless swaying as I’m creeping through.
I feel the black blindfold tethered around my head.
I hear mum guiding me from behind.
I hear my voice shaking because I don’t want to fall.
I taste the cool air rush to my mouth.
I taste nerves jiggle in my stomach.
I wonder if I will fall?
I wonder if I will finish the course?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Autobiography poem

Screenshot 2016-02-10 at 6.40.59 PM.png
Fun, kind, friendly and funny.
Daughter of Roger and Jackie.
Sister of Jordyn.
Lover of animals, horse riding and fruit.
Who dislikes watermelon, cruelty to animals and rockmelon.
Who feels happy playing on the beach, happy riding my pony and sad seeing animals hurt.
Who needs fresh all day long, to cuddle a animal and some were to get away from my sister.         Who fears sharks, tight spaces and very high cliffs.
Who would like a new pony, a holiday in Australia and a bigger farm.
Who comes from Dunedin and lives in Morrinsville New Zealand.